Article Nº 14 of the Peruvian Supreme Decree No. 021-2008-EF


[ Versión en Castellano ]


For the import of donation merchandise for welfare purposes that arrive to Peru along with the check-in luggage of the members of a Humane Professional Mission, the Peruvian institution receiving the donation should present the following documentation:


A) Copy of the donation letter, that a Peruvian Diplomatic or Consular representative located in the area of jurisdiction where the donating entity is established, sends to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informing on the activities that the Professional Humanitarian Mission will do in Peru, including the names and surnames of all the members of the Mission, their Passport numbers, airline carrier in which the humanitarian mission will arrive, flight number, and date & arrival time.  The Consulate must provide to the Professional Humanitarian Mission a simple copy of the communication sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two days after the presentation of the application to the Mission.


B) Custom declaration. When the merchandises arrive by airplane, separately of its FOB value, should be presented by a “Simplified Declaration of Import” [Spanish Version].


C) Resolution of Approval of the donation, when such document was express need by the regulations. If there is no Resolution, a simple copy of the presentation of the documents without observations or a copy of the application observed according of the Article 125 of the Law No 27444, in witch will be accredited the date of reception, previous constitution of the nominee grant (garantía nominal) or bank warranty letter or cash.


D) Simple copy of the Letter of Donation


E) Permits, authorization, license, register or other alike documents originated in the official sectors or simple copy of the application documents presented in witch certify the three days according with the third paragraph of the Article 4th of the Law No 28905.


In case the donators do not have the documents mentioned in the previous articles B), C), or D) above, the Peruvian Superintendence of Customs will proceed to give the donors a “Custody Document”


Any consultation on this issue should be addressed directly to:


Abogada Mariela Pineda Paniagua

Subdirectora de Donaciones

APCI (Agencia Peruana de Cooperación Internacional)

[Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation]

Phone: 51-1-319-3632

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